rena's retail adventure

on the road to having a real live storefront, and what she found there.


November Update

Holiday gift-buying has begun. It began two weekends ago, actually, which is GREAT. Less handbag sales, more jewelry sales. Books are starting to move again, they were pretty stagnant through the summer. And people are checking out the magazines...but maybe they just like standing in front of the very warm radiator :)

Websales have started picking up too, a little worrisome because everyone is picking out things that I go out of stock of very fast. Meaning - if something does well with an initial order, just do a big second order. Get it over with. I am so chicken to tie up money in things like that, and I don't always guess right, but I have to keep trying.

I bought the wrong floormat :( It's too thick! I bought a nice "waterhog" one for snowy days, instead of the cheapie Lowe's variety, and guess what, my door is too close to the hardwood and I need a superthin mat. Bummer.

I have hired Aeolidia to work on my website 3.0. A real shopping cart, with order status and wishlists and inventory management! Wow! Too bad it will go live AFTER the season is pretty much over. Oh well.

I'm not sure who is reading this blog anymore. I'm not sure what to do with it. I kind of want other indie shopkeepers to be authors and contribute, a la Whip Up. Just a place to make comments about what is going on in the biz throughout the year. If anyone wants to be involved, let me know.

Tip: Use technorati to find out who is linking to you. Lisa of Good on Paper told me about this one. Type in and you will see...


At 2:19 PM, Blogger sodafine said...

i'm reading!!
i should post, but i haven't had the guts to yet...
but i think about it often.


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