rena's retail adventure

on the road to having a real live storefront, and what she found there.


Make It

It is somewhat terrifying to be reading a blog and then see your picture. It also makes you think "time to get a haircut"...but anyway, check out Make It ( if you need any sort of info on your crafty biz. I like how there is a convergence of blogs, bulletin boards, meet ups and the like to help one another along. I wish these resources were around when I was starting out, and that was only back in 2003!

Someone responded to the Lena/Rena podcast by wondering how to break into a new industry. The answer is to just say - I am going to do it. And then do it. I have done this since I was in college I guess...sign up for a ridiculous double major? Sure I can do it. Scrap all of it to learn HTML cuz it sounded neat? (1994-5 mind you) OK ask someone how it works. Oh I want to move to San Francisco and make more money? Check out craigslist, get interviews, drive 5 hours for the interview and then get the job.

Basically you do your research and say you can do it. I didn't know how to make jewelry but I decided that's what I wanted to do when my wrists started going out from the computer. I never worked in a true retail environment or knew ANYTHING about buying, managing a store, etc but I talked to people and bought some books and did it. Sometimes you have to just bite the bullet.

I know a lot of people have family and cashflow circumstances and can't just drop everything but then you start with a smaller goal and work up from there. Trust me, it works :)


At 10:59 PM, Blogger sulu-design said...

How is it that I only now stumbled across your blog? Erin's been selling my jewelry at Sodafine for just under a year now and I'm constantly checking in on her blog, but I never came across yours. I love it! I'm thining about opening my own shop in Queens (my borough is sorely lacking cute stores with independent designers' work), and your blog is quite helpful/inspiring. Thanks!


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