rena's retail adventure

on the road to having a real live storefront, and what she found there.



oh how i love lists.

1. happy ramadan - i knew there was a reason that hundreds of boxes of dates were flying out of the shop downstairs...
2. someone stole my cell phone today, while i was at the shop. it makes me so sad at humanity sometimes. a cheapo $20 phone.
3. dentist tomorrow. yuck.
4. my newest adventure is trying for broadband wireless. if it works, then i can cart my laptop pretty much anywhere in NY and get a signal. take that, starbucks!
5. derek is not home yet, boo.
6. i have WAY too many cards and journals at the shop. oops.
7. i don't have enough jewelry yet.
8. the place is looking really good!


At 9:01 PM, Blogger angela said...

i can't wait to see more piccies of the store rena. i'm so excited for you.

and for all the good things and lesser good things that seemed to happen today. yes, i love lists too.

and usually, try to end my day with a list of all the good things.



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