rena's retail adventure

on the road to having a real live storefront, and what she found there.


so unhappy

after spending all yesterday, 8-5, waiting for verizon at the shop, they never showed up. GRR. i find out that they did a check at the F1 (some kind of switching station) and found out they have no more lines for me, or something. argh.

and then today, i checked in with speakeasy and found out they *cancelled* my order. without telling me. because what the F1 thing really means is that there are no more lines to lease for my one-link DSL. !!!!!

i am so very mad. so i have a vonage phone number set up, printed on business cards and all, and no Ethernet to plug it into. and i can't have Ethernet without getting a land line set up. so i would be paying for two phone lines. this is exactly what i was trying to avoid. nice to find out it can't happen, one month after signing up for it.

not sure what i'm going to do yet :(


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