rena's retail adventure

on the road to having a real live storefront, and what she found there.


Make It

It is somewhat terrifying to be reading a blog and then see your picture. It also makes you think "time to get a haircut"...but anyway, check out Make It ( if you need any sort of info on your crafty biz. I like how there is a convergence of blogs, bulletin boards, meet ups and the like to help one another along. I wish these resources were around when I was starting out, and that was only back in 2003!

Someone responded to the Lena/Rena podcast by wondering how to break into a new industry. The answer is to just say - I am going to do it. And then do it. I have done this since I was in college I guess...sign up for a ridiculous double major? Sure I can do it. Scrap all of it to learn HTML cuz it sounded neat? (1994-5 mind you) OK ask someone how it works. Oh I want to move to San Francisco and make more money? Check out craigslist, get interviews, drive 5 hours for the interview and then get the job.

Basically you do your research and say you can do it. I didn't know how to make jewelry but I decided that's what I wanted to do when my wrists started going out from the computer. I never worked in a true retail environment or knew ANYTHING about buying, managing a store, etc but I talked to people and bought some books and did it. Sometimes you have to just bite the bullet.

I know a lot of people have family and cashflow circumstances and can't just drop everything but then you start with a smaller goal and work up from there. Trust me, it works :)


Be Good

Two customers today (regulars, male) told me to "be good" as they were leaving. Is this the new salutation instead of "have a nice day"?

It's almost mid-July and we are selling bags and bags and bags. The darker ones and the winter white ones. I guess it's a schizophrenic time of year, people are actually thinking about their fall wardrobes.



people shop in clusters. both variety of people and kind of thing they are shopping for. it's weird!

for example today was Shoppers Wearing Hats. other days are People Who Need Wallets.